"...devastation on Maui has taught us that we have to urgently commit ourselves to a higher standard reflected in our Aloha+ Challenge and the United States SDGs so we can take action. We can move power lines underground, we can build fire mitigation to protect our energy grids, but we have to back down on climate change. We have to use technology and human solutions as were described before me."



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"We've installed a behavioral health specialist at your property to receive you as you return with the aspiration of rebuilding and they will also assist you in donning the full body protective gear you are going to need to be near your own property. You know the same gear that FEMA is not using. Mahalo!"


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"Our goal here is to protect against the Lahaina 2030 cancer cluster."

Dr. Craig Downs, Haereticus Environmental Laboratory Executive Director


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"You get a vehicle pass and PPE. Just be very careful if you try to dig in that trash or push around any of that ash, it's toxic. We recommend that you don't touch anything. "

"Wait a minute, didn't you guys spend millions of dollars already cleaning that stuff up? You mean you didn't clean it but you spent the money on hosting thousands of federal agents and importing outside laborers? What the ever living fu$#k are you guys doing?"


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"The county is behind you and with you... one of the signs of this is that we gonna let people on their property on Monday, they can look around then if they have proper PPE"


Considering how much money the county spends on itself and how embedded and implicated they are with industrial scale home builders, it really would be no sweat for them to invite the families back into homes that they could rebuild lickity split. Mayor Bissen shows off his mudra hand sign, life sucking hand gesture. "We gonna spend our energy tracking and enforcing rules on the kamaaina not actually help you rebuild or even support you in building. What we look like? A large scale building contractor? Ha ha ha

Friday we gonna have da meeting in Lahaina, the feds will be there to tell you what's going on. "

We gonna go into the community (sovereign nation of Hawaii) and all them to fill in the gaps (in hall monitors and fee collectors, and "security".)

If you say "we know we need housing and we know we need jobs."

How bout stop importing labor from Oahu and free up some jobs and housing for the ACTUAL community? Or when you say community we supposed to know you mean something else? Like blood not geography?

16:07 "when all is said and done

And the lights are dimmed and people have left and we are here

We will still be here. All of us. Maui folks..."

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Zone 1C gets back in to Lahaina tomorrow!!


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"The Lahaina 2030 cancer cluster"

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N95 mask only protects against micro- organisms NOT loose particulate matter!!!

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Axiom: the county apparatus is in the trafficking business and human trafficking is their go to reaction to any given incident. There got buildings damaged ya? Let's trafficking those keiki to the other side of the island. It's the least we can do ya?


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Police say no suspects but probably it was a hit or something ya?


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"We need curfews in place and bigger police state ya!?"

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"Actually F$*k that we gonna do it ourself. We Da sovereign nation of Hawaii don't need no police in here. E got CBDCs us know and we can form our own kine FBI sponsored militia. Ya heard?"

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"What color was the getaway vehicle?"

"It was 'dark' bi^%h now you better watch yourself"

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Ready set go..."we give you 90 day headstart, for we come for your money, we so kind."


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