Welcome to Monarch City, don't be afraid of the snails, the butterflies have a plan (as usual).
The snails hit us while we were distracted, we were caught off guard during the great confusion. The community has been heavily immunized against meningitis, especially the youth but it's not enough of a defense. The residents of Monarch City have been dropping dead and the opposition is well trained. These GALS are so effective at stealth that no one has even seen a GALS in a long time. Alas we are entering our darkest hour.
The GALS eradication team is working full time but they have only five trucks, and they are only human. Now we are clawing towards NORMALITY, we can only pray that the monarchs have a hail Mary plan. At one point I thought we had the right leader with the right plan.
One of the monarchs (Big Bad Daddy), when questioned about dealing with GALS that have gotten out of hand replied “Just grab them by their slippery parts”. Brilliant I thought, elegant and direct, it seemed like a reasonable plan to me. But then I started to think about it.
Say I'm just walking along, alone, inside the QZ minding my own business and then the GALS(s) find me and come after me. One GAL engages me so I grab it by its slippery parts. Fine that seems to be working but these things travel in packs so then another attacks! Ok, so i just use my other hand and grab that one by its slippery parts. Remember these are GIANT snails not ordinary snails if you want to do like BBD says and grab them, you might have to use more then just one or two fingers, you might have to use your whole hand. What if a third GALS shows up? Now what am I supposed to do? use my face? Now I've got one in each hand and one on my face and now I'm screwed because I'm already engaged with three GALS and more are showing up. It's really not a good plan. BBD is a good showman but don't follow his lead on GALS, his new Christian coalition is gonna get stomped by the 🐌 (back to the repurposed churches).
Perhaps it's time for the monarchs to contract with an international Business to Business to Society LLC. with a history of successful operations and solutions to complex problems.
Note bottom of image.
Environmentally Friendly Snail Biscuits
The monarch city press has been hammering on about how the snail eradication teams have been distributing molluskcide in yards inside the QZ but the residents don't know what to think. Reproduction has suffered as well because let's face it, would you want to raise your kids in the middle of a war zone? I mean what's in that molluskcide anyway? And putting it on the lawn? On nature? It sounds reckless, there has got to be a better way…
“However, a major hurdle was cleared last year with the development of a simple yet elegant procedure that transforms nanothermite powder into ultra-porous solids: nanothermite foams.”
“Research conducted at the NS3E2 laboratory on nanothermites and nanostructured explosives has now achieved considerable progress in this field.” (Université de Strasbourg)
These snail biscuits do not ignite in a fire, thermite has a very high ignition temperature. With microwave radiation however you could spark off a snail biscuit even under water.
Underwater microwave ignition of hydrophobic thermite powder enabled by the bubble-marble effect
NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)
Meir, Yehuda; Jerby, Eli
Does BV produce spongiform nano thermite in their labs?! Will spongiform nano-thermite stop the GALS?
“These new types of substances have been called “NSTEX,” an acronym for “NanoStructured Thermite EXplosive,” whose strong detonation enables them to initiate that of powerful explosive charges such as pentrite. NSTEX have comparable and even superior performance to primary explosives. They are also much more reliable, and do not disperse heavy metals into the environment. “
These snail biscuits can be crushed into a nano powder by hand, if you do this your hands will smell of Sulfur…
Enter nanothermite foams
The nanothermites used to formulate NSTEX can be compositions in which the fuel is aluminum and the combustive an oxygenated salt, which is harmless from a toxicological point of view. Examples include sodium sulfate, the primary component in detergents; calcium sulfate, which makes up plaster; or aluminum phosphate, which helps treat abdominal pain. Concerning explosive nanopowders, hexogen and pentrite are produced using a technology developed at the NS3E laboratory. Called SFE, it involves the almost instantaneous drying of an explosive aerosol solution through flash evaporation.”
“The final technological barrier that must be overcome to include NSTEX in industrially-produced pyrotechnic systems is to go from a powder to a porous object. Loose powder is very easily compressed by collisions and vibrations, which prevents the transition from explosion to detonation. However, a major hurdle was cleared last year with the development of a simple yet elegant procedure that transforms nanothermite powder into ultra-porous solids: nanothermite foams. This technique was the subject of a publication in Chemical Engineering Journal3 in May 2017, as well as a film released in December last year in the Journal of Visualized Experiments.4”
This Belgian corporation is older than Belgium, I guess it makes sense that they would want to do business in monarch city.
Bureau Veritas is involved in the testing, inspection, and certification, or TIC, industry. The company's primary activities involve testing products or materials, inspecting sites/equipment, and certifying products and systems to maintain global standards.
€5.7 billion in revenue in 2022
Bureau Veritas is a world leader in laboratory testing, inspection and certification services. Created in 1828, the Group has more than 82,000 employees located in more than 1,600 offices and laboratories around the globe.
Bureau Veritas helps its clients improve their performance by offering services and innovative solutions in order to ensure that their assets, products, infrastructure and processes meet standards and regulations in terms of quality, health and safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.
Well shucks, it looks like I struckout again. I wanted to find a close link between Bureau Veritas in Belgium (since the snail biscuits are coming from their container) and the development of some new foam like nano thermite product and the closest thing I could find is research way over in Strasbourg.
Could someone please get Nacho McKron-Star on the horn and warn him that the Belgian snail biscuits that he ordered from the House of Orange are illegally parked in the street at 5902 Florida Ave. near the intersection of Jefferson overlooking Orange lake in Monarch City?
Of GALS, butterflies, and dragons:
. . . I was told there were incendiary devices and incendiary pots that were strategically placed ahead of time.”
Steve Quayle regarding Lahaina devastation